
Challenger 2 ⎻ Ysgol Maesydderwen

By Tall Ships - September 21st, 2022 | Posted in Voyager blogs No comments

Onboard Challenger 2 this week, we have a group aged 12-15 from Ysgol Maesydderwen in South Wales.

Read their blog to find out what they’ve been getting up to over the course of their four-night residential voyage.

Day 1

Monday 19

Cirran: So we started our voyage with a tour of the boat and then before we left the dock, we went through some safety briefings. One of the highlights of today was steering the ship for a little bit.

Molly and Tilly: We first boarded the ship and went to our bunks and had a tour. The crew explained everything on deck and below, so that it would be easier when we started sailing. We helped a lot and played a huge part in getting to our destination for the night.

Day 2

Tuesday 20

Hello, my name is Kai.

This is a short story about my day.

So my day started off when I was woken up at 06:30 by Lolo and Oliver giggling in their bunks.

I had to make breakfast with the rest of my watch, then after that, we had to put up the Mainsail and I was asked to climb the mast and hook the pin to a hole on the mast to keep the sail up.

Then we sailed for a bit and stopped to have a swim in the sea near the White Cliffs of Studland.

We sailed until we got to the harbour where we’ll be staying for the night and are currently enjoying the sunset.

Day 3

Wednesday 21

Hi my name is Sofia! I chose to come on the boat trip because it’s very out of my comfort zone, I am scared of boats and claustrophobic, but today I came to the conclusion that I love boats!! They’re so freeing and peaceful, and you learn so much!

Yesterday I swam in the ocean. I was scared at first, but soon remembered what I came here for, to conquer my fears! The same happened today, we had the opportunity to climb up the mast (it’s so big!). I was quite nervous to begin with, but being up there, with the view! I was in love.

I have accomplished what I came here for in my opinion and made new friends! I realise that living in a small space isn’t as scary as I thought! Hopefully tomorrow will be just as great and so will the weather. 🙂

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