Rebecca Gueno


Rebecca Gueno


Offshore crew

Please tell us a bit about yourself

I was born and raised in the Channel Islands, which turned out to be the perfect boating playground from my toddler years onwards. It is an easy hop from there to the North and West coasts of France, where I have spent quite a bit of time racing and cruising over the years!

My first Tall Ships Youth Trust adventure was the Fastnet campaign of 2017, and after that I was hooked, returning to do weekends across the Channel, island-hopping around the Caribbean, another Fastnet in 2021, and of course volunteering for youth voyages along the UK’s South Coast, and as far afield as Spain. I became a Volunteer Mate in 2022.

Please tell us a bit about your role at Tall Ships Youth Trust

Essentially my job is to work with the Skipper and the team on board to make sure everyone who sails with us is having fun, learning a lot and ultimately doing both safely. There are occasions when I will be fixing heads, doing safety checks, navigating, or repairing sails, and other occasions when I’ll be teaching young people to tie bowlines, cook and clean, run engine checks or lead a team. It is a varied role and no two days look the same, which is what makes it exciting!

What has been your most memorable moment at Tall Ships Youth Trust?

There are too many memorable moments to pick just one. Both Rolex Fastnet campaigns were memorable, and came with a huge sense of achievement. There was a great sense of freedom and relief at being “off grid” and without internet connections or phone signal, we had the chance to really get to know each other and form some great lasting friendships as a crew.

Likewise in 2022, we sailed with a group of young people, to Spain and back from Portsmouth. The group started out as strangers to one another, but quickly formed strong friendships, and despite their differences, and in some cases disabilities, they worked tirelessly as a team to achieve an incredible feat, sailing over 1000 nautical miles in two weeks.

What is one thing you think people should know about Tall Ships Youth Trust?

We are all passionate about sailing, but personal development and skill-building is really at the heart of what we do. Sailing with TSYT is great for improving confidence, leadership and communication, and if you can learn to gel as a team on a boat at sea, you can do it anywhere.

Please describe your job in three words

Exciting, Unpredictable. Rewarding.

If you were famous, what would you be famous for?

My quirky and ever-growing collection of sunglasses and beanie hats!​

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