Tall Ships Ketch – The American School in London
Day One
When we arrived, we started with a safety briefing on deck and below. When we began our day of sailing, Kate steered us out of port. We went on to learn the different tools, places, and objects on the boat, as well as a man overboard drill. We had each person steer at one point, and we put up the Main and Genoa sail and we tacked as we were sailing into the wind. Claire then got us into port, and we proceeded to learn about the points of sail and the collision regulations.
Kylie and Taylor
Day Two
On our second day of sailing we began the morning with Taylor driving us out of the port. After a bit of time we proceeded by playing a couple rounds of eye spy in order to remind ourselves of the essential boating items that surrounded us. We additionally had a stay sail raising competition which proved very amusing. After motoring upwind for a while we stopped for a lunch break by joining our vessel with the Tall Ships Catamaran. Through the day we additionally learnt about communicating between boats (VHF), longitude and latitude as well as goose winged techniques. Towards the end of our day we sailed downwind to the port where the skipper parked us and we packet up the boat after a successful day.
Day Three
We started our day with climbing the mast of the Challenger. Some of us took Tim’s GoPro up with us to get some neat photos. Afterwards, we did a deep cleaning of our boat. We vacuumed, scrubbed the head from head to toe (haha get it?), and cleaned the kitchen. We had lunch anchored at sea, and then later learned navigational techniques and put it to practice during our night sailing. When we went to bed, we slept anchored in the water, as opposed to at a dock and it was very cold. It was a fun trip overall! J