
Tall Ships Ketch – Drop Zone

By Tall Ships - August 20th, 2019 | Posted in Voyager blogs No comments

Day One

We left Barrow train station at 11:46 and then we arrived in Inverkip at 16:30. When we arrived we talked about the safety rules. We then got all of our stuff sorted and had some showers. At 21:30 we started to get ready for bed.

Day Two

We got up at 07:30 and had breakfast. By 08:30 we were on deck, we had to talk about how to work the boat and safety rules. Then we set off and raised the sails and turned the engine off. We then sailed to Talbert and we had tea – span bol and then had showers.

Also we seen dolphins. As a team we learned new skills and tied knots.

We learned how to steer the boat and we learned how to wear our lifejackets.

We learnt how to tie the boat secure when we docked in Talbert.

Day Three

on the third day we woke up to rain and howling winds and we made a fabulous breakfast of bacon sandwiches. After breakfast we teamed up and did some jobs of checking the engine and sweeping up the floor to make sure the boat was all nice and clean. Once all that was done we all got into our waterproofs and set sail to Holy Loch. During the trip to Holy Loch, some people were sick due to all of the choppy waves but yesterday the wind was that bad we couldn’t put up the sails or they would rip apart so we used the motor and me and my fabulous assistant Jessica made lunch for everybody and jess spilt pasta sauce all over her. We had a marvellous day yesterday with a few ups and downs but bring on today.

Day Four

this morning we woke up at 7.30 and we all got dressed ready for the day. Then we all sat down together and had some cereal .After breakfast me [leon] , amy,jess and cam went fishing cam pulled his line up and had a star fish on his line . Then we went to go and catch some crabs but didn’t get anything. so we started walking back we got near the boat and i tripped over my crab line and fell into the water and lost my phone in the water but cam was there to help me get out of the i went for a shower.when i had finished in the shower we boarded the boat and set of we were on the boat for about 15 mins then sam said shall we put the music on so we did.We had a little party on the boat but the wind picked up so we had to go and get our water proofs on. once we had them on we were sat down for about 20 mins talking then we got into inverkip so we had to get the fenders out then we got into the marina and had a struggle parking but managed to do it then we were finished sailing.

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