Challenger 4 – Team Together
Day Four
Today we woke up early and prepared breakfast, we had cereal, toast, fruit and Tamzin decided to have soup! Then we went into our watch groups and while port watch cleaned up the mess from breakfast, the starboard watch prepared the deck. During our long journey to Cowes, the whole group played a game that was testing our knowledge of tying knots with strawberry laces, we played against each other in our watches to tie the knots as fast as we could. Then, as a team, we collectively put up the Yankee sail and turned the engine off. However as we sailed further into the afternoon there was no wind around, so we had to very very slowly float to Cowes port. When we eventually got to Cowes, about 16:30 we had showers and went to the shops to buy all of the rubbish and junk food we fill our faces with!! We`re going to leave and go on a night sail to stokes bay, and after that we will heading into Portsmouth where we will be cleaning the boat but before we do that we have to have breakfast, for breakfast we will be having cereal again then we’ll be heading back home.
By Kaylee, Ketra, Declan,
Day Three
Another day started, we woke up quite a lot later than day 2 but yeah we were tired. Breakfast came again, we had lovely scrambled egg on toast. Mast climbing was next!, very few of us gave it ago, however we did still cooperate by helping to get them up the mast, it wasn’t exactly very easy.
Charlie and josh
Day Two
To start the day off the majority of us were up at 7, very few of us were up at 5:45, clearly they didn’t have a good night sleep! The first part of the day was breakfast, for breakfast we had bacon and toast, which actually tasted really good: result! After the dreaded clean up and deck prep the day could start. We gradually set off at roughly 10am, slightly later than we originally planned but hey! It is what it is. We set off from studland bay and slowly headed towards Weymouth at about 5kns, it took about 5ish hours. When we arrived at Weymouth we speedily docked up to stop the boat from drifting away, and proceeded to sort the boat out (another deck prep), towards the end of the day we headed towards the showers, cleaned ourselves off and sat down for the last meal for the day. Gradually it came to the end of the day which meant it was soon to be lights out and to sleep to recharge our batteries for yet another day ahead of us.
Day One
Our day didn’t start as smoothly as we’d originally planned; southern service, I’ll leave it at that. After the train catastrophe we stopped for lunch, at Burger King, to recharge our batteries for our busy day ahead. Once we’d all eaten we made our way down to the boat where we met our skipper, Mike and our mate Steve and Chris. When we were all on board we were shown to our bunks and offloaded our bags into the allocated space, were taken through the rules and given our life jackets. Now for the fun bit, sailing! We started heading in the direction of the Isle of Wight, around the island and finally anchoring in Studland Bay. Throughout the day we, as a team, raised the sails, listening to everyone so it was done correctly and safely, Tamzin and Declan had fun steering the boat and our watch leader, Santo, helped make sure anything we were doing we knew how to do properly and continuously made sure we all felt safe and sound. Sadly Farage, the flamingo, hasn’t yet made an appearance, yet we did manage to spot some dolphins whilst bringing down the sails for the night.
Tazmin, Declan