
Challenger 3 – JFS School

By Tall Ships - September 18th, 2023 | Posted in Voyager blogs No comments

On board Challenger 3 this week, we have a group from JFS School in Harrow.

Read the below blog to find out more about their residential adventure.

Day 1

Sunday 10

Day 1 started off like any other dull day, at school. But ahead of us was a day of learning, persevering and accomplishment.

We embarked on our way to Portsmouth (Pompey to the locals). We arrived with our heads held high, but a bit too high for the barrier (let’s not talk about it).

Trekking through Gunwharf Quays shopping centre, dodging and weaving through the crowds, we made it at last to CHALLENGER 3 (Sarah).

We were introduced to our floating abode for the next few days, meeting our lovely crew and navigating through our quarters and cabins.

Above deck, we learnt about the different tasks and hazards on a day in the life of a sailor, including the Jackstay to our displeasure. We practiced ravelling and unravelling ropes on winches, loosening and tightening the ropes of the mast.

Later, we planned our route for the next day using a plotter and dividers to calculate the duration and length of our forthcoming challenge.

Relaxing in the warm sea-side sun, we prepared our rations. After an indulging meal of Pindi Chana Aloo and a heart-warming vanilla cake, we set off for showers and began preparations for our voyage. We can’t wait for our first day of sailing the British seas tomorrow.

Sending regards,

Elisha and Rafi.​

Day 2

Monday 11

We began the day after a night of uncomfortable sleep. Everyone agreed that this is due to the sleeping bags and a thunderous noise resonating from “someone’s” nostrils.

After joyfully getting dressed to the tunes of depressing music from a speaker, had a less than pleasant breakfast, we put out the sails in preparation for an adventurous day ahead.

Everyone mucked in and while a pair steered the ship with their own passage plans, others were mastering the snake pit (aka ropes), climbing up the mast and scrubbing the ship clean.

Although dealing with the boat being on a huge tilt was rough on the stomach, everyone pulled through. By the afternoon we had circumnavigated the Isle of Wight and settled down for dinner, finishing the day off sipping hot chocolate and looking at stars in the night sky.

By Rafaela and Jahmai.

Day 3

Tuesday 12

Today we woke up as usual, starting the day eating our delicious food out of plastic bags, this time it being porridge (except that one person who wants to be different and had curry).

After a quick deck prep and clean up, we were ready to embark on a day of sailing, education and adventure. The sail to Lymington was brief, however as always it was a thrilling experience involving many tacks.

Once settled down and demolishing our lunch, we explored the mountainous metropolis of Lymington. Of course we had to save the emergency “banana” phone number which our teacher displayed perfectly for us.

The shopping spree was varied from some simple ice cream to Lego sets and silly string. After a dawdle back to the boat and definitely arriving on time, it was clear we were eager to start our theory lesson.

While the lesson was intriguing, I think most people preferred the 100ft trek up the mast. We were all a bit on edge (Mr Bartram more than most), but the climb was certainly worth it, maybe not for those pulling the person up. The view was fantastic from all directions not just for those climbing.

We then proceeded to have dinner and finish the day with a fun game of mafia, involving lots of laughs and deaths (disclaimer, just a game, no casualties).

It was a fun day overall and hopefully tomorrow will be just as good.

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