
Challenger 3 – George Green’s School

By Tall Ships - October 5th, 2022 | Posted in Voyager blogs No comments

Onboard Challenger 3 this week, we have a group of girl from George Green’s School in East London.

Read their blog to see what they’ve been getting up to so far on their four-night voyage.

Day 1

Monday 3

Today we got on the boat and were introduced to the TSYT crew. We were split into two watches (groups) of five, my group went up on deck to learn about the safety equipment and ropes. Then we went below and got key information about how to use the toilets (heads!) and how our groups would help with cooking, cleaning and living together.

After that, all of us went up on deck and we all had different roles to do as we set sail from Portsmouth. We relaxed and got tea and coffee on the way to Cowes Harbour. I steered the boat!

As we were slowly arriving, everyone prepared to park the boat and I used the roving fender. When we got in, our group went straight to cooking fajitas and the other group tidied the deck. Personally, I would say we did an amazing job at cooking. While the other group cleaned the dishes, I had a shower and then wrote this blog. Today was cool and I enjoyed looking at the views and singing.

By Isabelly.

Day 2

Tuesday 4

Wake up, eat cereal for breakfast, get sails ready above deck.

We went over the safety instructions for a man overboard drill. One of the crew was being lowered over the side of the boat and someone else was sent down as a swimmer to get the ‘casualty’ and then our Watch Leader explained how we use the winch.

On the water, we used the engine to get out of the harbour. We hoisted the Mainsail and were tacking upwind. We had ravioli for lunch and had a debate over whether or not it counted as pasta.

After lunch, we hoisted up another sail. As we went, the boat tipped more. We carried on tacking towards Yarmouth. We took down the sails. We flaked the Main and then came into Yarmouth.

For supper, we had fish and chips.

By Bethany and Treina.

Day 3

Wednesday 5

Today, we woke up to have croissants and pain au chocolates for breakfast. The waves and wind were too strong, so we had a theory lesson. We learnt about different emergencies and the Beaufort scale.

At 11:30, we set sail and everyone had a go at steering through the waves. When we arrived, we cleaned the deck of the boat and had soup for lunch.

We went for a walk around the area and went to the shops, now we are making dinner (chicken curry) and then we will have our chill out time. After that we will go to bed, ready for tomorrow.

By Tayla.

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