
Challenger 2 — Jack Hunt School

By Tall Ships - October 15th, 2021 | Posted in Voyager blogs No comments

Day 1

Monday 20th

We got on the boat at Portsmouth and sailed to cowes on the Isle of Wight, where we stayed all evening. We had curry for dinner, then a few of us made hot chocolates and went to the showers before going to bed (which was at 03:00)

Day 2

Tuesday 21st

We sailed all day to Swanage and inflated the dinghy, which we took to the beach. Everyone got cold and our hair was all dry and now we smell bad but its fine because we don’t smell as bad as Rhylee.​

Day 3

Wednesday 22nd

We sailed to Portland where there were really nice showers, except there was a spider in one of them which was NOT nice. We had Spanish omelette and beans for lunch and pasta bake for dinner. Aaliyah and Skye braided Kai’s hair but not Rodrigo’s because he wouldn’t let me.

Day 4

Thursday 23rd

They woke us up at 05:30 in the morning with some lovely music then we got to work on the boat at 06:00. We then had bacon sandwiches for breakfast and worked some more! After that, some of us went below deck to chill, it was lovely

Everyone wanted to give a sentence for the day:

Rhylee – Today we woke up at 5:30 and enjoyed sailing many hours from Portland to Cowes.

Aaliyah – We got the sails up and then away.

Rodrigo – Amazing, finished.

Zak – We went to the beach and got ice cream, then came back and had dinner.

Marchall – The music was amazing, and we went to the beach.

Kai – It was really nice and the food was really good.

Laycie – I dropped my ice cream and the beach was fun.

Lexie – I liked the sunrise and the sunset.

Sky – The beach, I liked the beach.

Sozi – It was tiring, but fun.

Mr P – I think we have, to be fair, finally seen the crew come together as a team.

Miss S – the whole day has been very busy and lots of fun.

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