
Challenger 1 – North West Kent APS

By Tall Ships - July 13th, 2023 | Posted in Voyager blogs No comments

Challenger 1 is home to a group of young people from North West Kent APS this week who are joining us for a four-night voyage from Gravesend to Portsmouth!

Check out their blog to find our more.

Jim: I loved this boat journey because the crew is very nice and I really enjoyed driving the boat and climbing the mast. The dingy was most enjoyed for me because I loved paddling and Riley was not good at it. Thank you for this enjoyable adventure.

Riley: I really enjoyed this trip as I had a lot of fun when driving the boat and in the dingy when I was paddling across the marina with Jim and Cameron. I’ve learnt some key life skills such as cleaning up and building relationships. I’ve learnt to challenge myself and do things that might help in the future.

Toby: This trip was amazing, I experienced driving a boat, which taught me to manoeuvre a boat, which is something I wouldn’t normally do. I have learnt how to wash up and I would not normally do this at home, so this has pushed me. I’ve built up relationships with people outside of school. I’ve also learnt to cope away from home, and focus on different things. I also learnt team work skills, demonstrated when we had to hoist people up the mast.

Daniel: This trip has been a really enjoyable experience because I’ve developed new skills, such as learning how to put up the sails on a boat. I’ve also learnt how to work as a team and talk to people to work together. I have really enjoyed people being pulled up to the top of the mast.

Valentins: The amount of Knowledge and experience I have received from this trip, has been absolutely immense. I have learnt so many new things, such as different types of knots, how to pull down a sail, and also how to manage a boat. For these past few days I have felt a feeling I haven’t felt ever and have felt like a Viking. All of the crew are really nice to have a talk with, and I have enjoyed listening to the stories they are willing to share. For me, this has been a very good experience and a very good lesson.

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