CH4 – Round the Island Race Prep – EV042
A group of individuals join us for an exploration voyage in prep for the Round the Island Race. Follow their journey below.
Day 1
Mon 11 June
Today is the day! Today Is the day that we boarded our new home for a week… Challenger 4. Who’s our crew onboard I hear you ask, well, we have our spectacularly Welsh Skipper (Josh) our scorched First Mate (Jim) and our Watch Leaders… He’s 36 years old, but going on fifty (Freddie) and there’s only one word to truly describe our other watch leader… Its ginger (Riley).
After boarding the vessel, we packed away our stuff into its temporary accommodation and received an above deck and a below deck briefing. I would consider myself a professional clove hitcher, nobody can stop me! We departed Gunwharf Quays at 15:00 and set sail for the beautiful coastal town of Cowes. Along the way we hoisted the staysail and almost sunk, just kidding.
After our brief sail towards Cowes, I had the opportunity to clove hitch some fenders onto the side of the boat as we moored alongside. After packing away the boat, starboard watch prepared dinner which consisted of peanut butter spiced beef. We had a minor incident where we forgot to cook a veggie option, but Riley very quickly rustled up something… Pan fried tofu with onions and peppers, sautéed in a barbecue seasoning.
Port watch had the pleasure of washing up our mess! After they had all cleaned up we sat around the table and played some geographical trivia and a wild game of charades… We will catch you in the morning!
P.S A very happy birthday to Tom!
-Starboard watch signing out ????
Day 2
Tuesday 12 June
Nice to sea you! This is our pun-fish-ment for being late – Riley gave us no mersea. Therefore us girls have decided to take our roles very sea-riously. Our sole purpose is to inform you of the pacifics of our day, so here it flows:
The crew went above and beyond with the tacking drill today. Let’s just say that their knot-ledge was better than expected. They had great ex-ship-tise. Truly oar-inspiring and fin-tastic. Luckily, no-one got tide up in the ropes.
There was nothing fishy about the meal prep today thanks to the excellent Port watch team. Their good time keeping was admiralable. The dinner was ab-solent-ly brilliant. They were self motor-vated and needed no anchouragement. A great exercise to keep the endolphins pumping.
We made some new friends, aka the bagels (seagulls at bay). They were ferry nice, but unfor-tuna-tely we could not hang out with our new friends for long and enjoy the sea-nic view – too worried about getting back to the boat on time!
This boat is officially PG friendly. We don’t have any aquaholics onboard. The preferred drink by watch leaders is fermented apple juice. A drink def-fin-itely acceptable to give to salmon underage. (dolphinitely) – haha
Riley voted shellfishly in support of an anchored night in order to fuel revenge. We do not find such behaviour acceptable, we fear he’s a bit of a telltale, but whatever floats your boat. (We think he is cray-sea)
Hope you’ve enjoyed our pun-tanic blog. Hopefully, it was not rudderly horrific. I know that it’s been an anchor-riffic day. We’ll sea you gulls later.
Yours sin-sea-erly,
Port watch.
p.s I hope we didn’t go overboard with the puns!
P.p.s… Riley here… They went overboard with the puns!)
Day 4
Thursday 13 June
Mast we reely write another entry – what the deck! Just kidding, we’re al-waves ready. It is the gulls from Port Watch back again. Here’s the sea-quel:
Today was knot too bad. We woke up ready to sea-ze the day after spending a night at anchor. (Riley got a stern look – we’ll a-tack tonight. He won’t have a clew what’s coming!)
We saw the navy today. De-fin-atly a sea-plus for effort.
After a boat-iful rainy day we are in ship shape for blogging. Ship loads of rain – but wet-ever I guess. The sea and biscuits lightened the mood. When we’re having a rough time having to put up with the buoys, we remember that we’re all in the same boat.
We got held up having to change the halliard. He made a gaff when he dropped it down the mast. What an oar-deal!
Well that’s it. It was all hands on deck for this entry. Lots of brainstorming. We’ll ketch you schooner or later.
p.s We hear our jokes have been leaked.
p.p.s… Riley here (again). I‘m going to throw them overboard and have a whale of a time… you’ll sea.
Day 5
Friday 14 June
Whale hello there! It’s us gills back again – shorely we’ve written enough. We did a seal with Riley, in-carp-orating trading the tide-ying up for blogging. (Port watch still cleaned the galley. He leeward us into a false sense of sea-curity! For cod’s sake Riley, we have haddocked enough!)
We went to some shops that were cheap – all their stuff was on sail. We even got a free boom bag! Many ferries did com-pass, so… naturally, we had to wave.
Tonight we are preparing to de-fender our position in the race tomorrow. We are ab-salt-lutely ready, it is all in our mussel memory. Our competition (the snotty yachties) sea-m to have all the gear and no idea. Riley has been leaking our tack-tics to other teams. Kelp us! Tomorrow is looking wet and windy, maybe we’ll sea a rain-bow. If anyone masts, we cannot cod-firm nor deny any sabotage with bubble guns…
Now we will drift off the pontoon…. just kidding! We are drifting off to sleep. Winch shell we sea you again? After washing up, I am shore there is moore puns to come. Some otter day perhaps.
Hanks a lot for reading. Don’t worry it has been pier reviewed. We must cargo for now. As the Italians say, cowes for now.
Port watch
p.s. We were dredging coming but now know it was the wight decision.
p.p.s Riley here (again again) there’s a sense or urchin-sea with the packing away. I’ve had many compliments on my snake pit too. It seems I may have a new job on my horizons… or at least I see some waves. Or is it a seagull? Maybe even a buoy. My contact lenses fell out and bequeathed Poseidon who still has my glasses. Also, when you crush a clove of garlic, what happens to its dreams?
Day 6
Saturday 15 June
Port watch wo-main are tack again. We have been saying luft of puns, have they been leeching into you?
Today started at 4:00am, so no trip to the land fa-sea-laties. There is not much priva-sea on the boat. The skipper gave an im-port-ant brief on all the po-sea-bilities and we set sail. We had great port-ential.
We cruised over the start line after the pier-sing sound of the radio horn (luckily we were not lake). With a Lyming-ton of respon-sea-bilities, ten minutes later, the sea sodden-ly became bow-n-sea. We witnessed lots of emergen-seas and heard ‘kelp me’ over the radio. One teams tack-tics got them a stern look.
After two hours and four minutes, we heard Riley scream “cri-quay”. “Holy crab!” shouted Carmen. Jim as our yankee sail was no longer in-tacked, so we surf-rendered and had to stern around, saying oar-revoir to the race. We sail-louted our com-port-tetion on our reef-turn.
In the sail locker, Lydia realised that Catherine can knot tie ropes. Riley committed pirate-sea. He was caught sealing the snotty yaughties outfits. Just kidding… he dolphin-itely did.
Oar in oar we had a Kracken time. – Port watch
P.s Tanks for punting up with us
P.p.s. Riley here. I musto for now, I need to use the cthu-loo.