A Good Scoop
A tsunami of 64 ice-creams hit landlocked village and locals reach for their spoons to eat their way out.
Geoff Mason is taking this Summer weather seriously and has taken on his own fundraising challenge for the Tall Ships Youth Trust of making 64 flavours in as many days to raise money for their 64th Anniversary.
Geoff says” This Charity has inspired me because it offers young people a positive experience giving them a chance to test themselves against the elements and to grow in confidence in their own abilities. It puts the wind in their sails and raises their horizons”
Geoff’s nautical themed flavours include Cantaloupe Sloop and the dangerous Corryvreckan Black.
However, today’s star of the show is ‘The Kissing Sailor’ a passion fruit sensation.
What’s next? Apart from anther 46 days of making new ice cream flavours Geoff want to connect up with other seafaring organisations and see if he can make them special ices “ It’s time to make an ‘Ice cream Splash’,” says Geoff. “We need good news stories with Covid creating such stress. What better way to celebrate summer than with an ice cream and it’s a great way to interact with people as it has such a positive feel good factor.”
The Tall Ships Youth Trust is delighted at Geoff’s unusual quest and hope that British ice-cream lovers will get passionate about supporting this great charity.
To view all of Geoff’s current ice-cream flavours and to support his ice-cream making mission, click here
Written by Sarah Hall-Farm