Challenger 1 – HSBC Portsmouth to London
Day One
Jack Davenport
Today we were getting to know one another and we had to fit our life jackets and our waterproofs then we had to put our stuff in to buckets I used up two of them. Our bus journey was a nightmare because someone was sick three times and it smelled like eggs.
Sam Stephens.
Our bus journey was a nightmare, someone was sick and it was a very long journey with no leg room. As we arrived the ship was surprisingly spacious and the bunks were also very comfortable. The food on the ship was delicious however it was very spicy. I met a lot of new people and they are all friendly and we all get on well with each other. Tomorrow we will be setting sail to France, so I hope it will be a calm sea and that the weather will be nice to us.
Jonatan Sek
Yesterday was a bad day because nearly everyone was sick. We set of from Portsmouth at 6:30 and sailed about 16 hours. I was asleep most of the time so I wasn’t as tired. We arrived at Le Havre at about 9:10 and everyone was really tired because of the cold.
Taiyyabah Khan
The day started off well as we put up the sails and helped out for breakfast. The more the day went on the more I realised that the journey wouldn’t be what I was expecting. People were being sick left and right and the boat was rocking. It was horrible. But I guess it’s horrible for everyone at the start. Sleeping and eating junk was how most of the day went. Kind of regret not being awake for when the yacht pulled into Le Havre docks.
Day Two
Lamar Brandford
Today was great. I was really sleepy throughout the day though so I probably didn’t help out as much as I should have. Breakfast was really good and so was lunch however I didn’t really like the curry for dinner. Today I climbed the spinnaker pole which was fantastic. I had a great view but it took a lot of energy so I was completely drained at the end of it. We got to Dieppe and I got to go to the beach and the water was too cold although about after 5mins in the sea I got used to the temperature at it was fine. Today over all was great and I had an enjoyable time.
Sue Wallace
What can we say about today- the most amazing beautiful weather with glorious blue sky saw us arriving in Dieppe. On the way from La Havre we all had the opportunity to climb the Spinnaker. I was very proud of everyone who gave it a go. Even I tried and overcame my fears.
We have a brilliant group of people on Challenger 1 and are all getting on very well. Can’t wait to see what the next few days will bring.
Taiyyabah Khan
Today was much more amazing then I would have ever expected. I realised that you should never judge a person before really knowing them. The challenge of being comfortable with people was overcome along with facing my fear of heights. Jonatan is still annoying though… jk. But overall today was one of the best so far. I know we will continue to get along well!!!
Day Three
Today was a very fun day we went out and visited the town. The town was so big that we nearly all got lost, very busy.
I was shocked at how expensive everything was, all the shops were pricey. I don’t miss sailing, I was very sea sick and it wasn’t nice. It is going really slow since we still have a lot of time left, I can’t wait to go home and see my nephew. However we raced with the dinghy’s and came second so won a shower which was lovely. We also went to Mc Donald’s!!!!!! Later tonight we are playing some games which might be fun. Overall the trip is amazing.
Day Four
Sam Stephens
Today we stayed in port all day because the wind was too strong and in the wrong direction for our trip. First we got out the inflatable dinghy’s and had a race against three other teams inside the port and I got soaked but our team came second. We later went out shopping and I had some time with my friends from the other boats. I am now broke money wise and am struggling to get 2 euro’s. I finally had another chance to shower. It was really windy today and the ship was rocking side to side, it was really hard to get around the ship without falling over. Me and my friend Jack helped prepare the dinner. We diced carrots, onions and courgettes, I am like a chef, learning so many new things. We had a beef stew and the beef was amazing. Tonight I am cleaning out my bunk and having a sort through of all my gear ready for the voyage tomorrow so I’m hoping to get a good night’s sleep, to wake up to some more delicious bagels and to have all fresh, clean clothes. Well, that’s what I’m hoping for.
Day Five
Arun Roy
So today was mad. We got woken up at 7 and proceeded in doing our jobs. Honestly, I can’t remember what I did. When everyone was up on deck we did the sails, you know that standard stuff. Then I went sleep. Man like Garry rudely woke us up and we prepared lunch. Then I went sleep again and I can’t remember what else happened. I had a shower now were in the marine so I’m all fresh. We had food it was peng big up Garry on that. That’s all from me. Goodnight and god bless.
Jack davenport
Today we go woken up by Les by saying morning campers but we are not camping we are on a boat and we woke up had cereal and went up on deck but I got really tired and went to sleep for over 3 hours but we had to prep lunch we had wraps and after that we went back to sleep but I couldn’t then I watched dead pool 2 and listen to French radio and we could see England when we were sailing to bolonge and I was sailing. Bye captain jack out.
Lamar Brandford
So today started off with a rough morning, I felt like I didn’t get enough sleep last night. It a bit funny because today I realised that I actually loved sailing. It’s weird but it’s like I just loved the wind and sea and sailing. It was really nice though. We sailed all the way to Ramsgate today. It took a long, laborious 8 hours to get there but I was happy when we finally arrived. Today I made a banging rap song that I based off of sailing featuring jack. And Arun made his own sick rap which les rapped about. Also when we was passing through the port we saw these wannabe N.W.A (white edition) chav central people making a rap video. Both of our watch leaders were FANTASTIC (kinda).
Day Six
Amber crute
Today we woke up quite late,we sailed to London I didn’t take that long and nobody was sick (thankfully).we all got our certificates and it was emotional because this is our last night together , and that im not really gonna see anyone really gonna ,miss everyone on the boatshs and its gonna be weird going back to my house and not waking up to lez shouting morning campers and Amelia taking 5 hours to get out of bed she is always the last one .overall the realilisation is killing me knowing im not gonna be with anyone of these anymore.
Amelia Dobson-Bond
Today was a really good day to say its our last full day together. This morning we got woken up by les, which is always a delight. We sailed to london which didn’t take that long. Then after that we had a reward ceremony, it wash quite fun to see what the skippers had to say about us. Im really going to miss everyone but I also cant wait to get home and see my family. but ill miss tom from challenger 3 the most.