Challenger 1 – Step by Step
Day One
On day 1 we arrived on the boat greeted at the gate by tom, we were then all introduced in an orderly fashion in the saloon. We hen were split in two groups : Starboard and Portside with different job roles assigned each different days. From there we were shown around the boat in these groups Fiona showing us below deck and Anna and Sam showing us above deck. We then were shown how to correctly man over out of port using different ropes and positions to safely come out of port, whilst sailing to the isle of Wight we did a race/game via the running back stays. We then manovered to land in port ,amovering the ropes and fenders to land in port. From that we then split into our two groups portside making dinner and doing prep and star board cleaning up we will now have showers and go to bed :0 🙂