emma bradshaw


Emma Bradshaw OBE



I have sailed with Tall Ships Youth Trust over the last five years, with young people from the school I lead in Sutton, London. I was approached to bring a different insight to the Trust’s management board having worked with young people who are excluded and marginalised over the last 35 years. I represent those who have been excluded from school and with special educational needs, especially those with social, emotional, and mental health needs, providing a link to the real work of the Trust with the sailing teams and crew. Our school actively brings children to be transformed by Tall Ships Youth Trust and the people and boats that change their lives.


I am Executive Principal of Alternative Learning Trust, set up in 2019, as a new multi-academy trust for Pupil Referral Units (PRUs), Alternative Provision (AP), and specialist settings. Previously, I was headteacher at The Limes College PRU in Sutton since 2006. The college was the first to be set up under the Trust. I graduated as a teacher from the University of Bangor with a specialism in outdoor education, PE and special educational needs (SEN).

I have a post-graduate Diploma in SEN/Behaviour, a national professional qualification for headship and I’m currently studying for an MBA. I led The Limes College in developing quality teaching and raising attainment, which involved improving expectations and developing a range of attainment and qualifications with clear pathways to reintegrate pupils into mainstream school.

I represent secondary schools, special schools and PRUs on Sutton’s Funding Forum, LSCP, CAMHS Partnership Board and the Early Help Board.  I’m Vice Chair of the Secondary Heads’ Group and currently, represent PRUs and AP on a national stakeholder group with the Department for Education.

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