Pre-Christmas Exploration on Challenger 2 – CF746
A group of adventurous individuals have joined us for an exciting journey along the picturesque South Coast. These young voyagers, all in their late teens, are eager to make the most of this experience while working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Residential Award. Throughout their Exploration voyage, they will face challenges, embrace new discoveries, and soak up the festive spirit of the season. Join them on this thrilling journey as they share their stories and adventures from the voyage.
Day 1
Monday, 16 December
To start the day we met the crew, they were a bundle of fun. They distributed our waterproof equipment and we promptly clothed ourselves. After being briefed of the safety procedures upon the boat, we had a swift tour. We brewed a batch of tea to raise moral and give the crew a caffeine hit to prepare us to ready the sails. We efficiently hoisted the sails and picked up the pace, and on the way we spotted an octopus! Or so we thought it was an octopus…
We were in fact wrong, Eva had been thrown off of the boat by James for incorrectly tying a knot.
“Oh no!” Alfie exclaimed (In a VERY deep voice). Eva’s braids had bobbed to the surface, now looking like the shape of an overgrown octopus. However we still believed the shape in the water to be an octopus, so we quickly caught her, and cooked her for dinner. – “Very tasty”, Alfie screamed as he aggressively licked his lips. With full bellies and happy hearts, we readied for bed and softly fell asleep. Oscar was on his phone all night.
Day 3
Wednesday, 18 December
Leaving the dock we were feeling confident, despite leaving 30 mins late, that we would make it round the island knowing the winds where strong and the tides where good. The time pressure was due to if the tides changes before we made it round St. Kats then the wind and current would be acting against each other (probably in some epic sea battle) and the waves would become a lot bigger than we wanted. Once we set off the speed at which we were being carried quickly left us with no doubt we would be fine and despite James making three people sick with his reckless helming. With lots of hard work, precious tea spilt and one giant sea monster dead we make it to Cowes.