Please tell us a bit about yourself
Hailing from the seafaring city of Bristol, on completing my education I joined the RAF for an aircraft engineering career. After 23 enjoyable years I started a second career outside of HM Forces in training and development and travelled to many parts of the world with my work; still over the sea but not on it!
I then had a few years working with young people in a forest school environment and coupled with many years with the scouting and guiding organisations found that I was looking for further youth related excitement. I discovered TSYT which had a very impressive Tall Ship (the Stavros). In 2014 I was accepted as a youth mentor but before joining Stavros discovered the Challengers – those very same vessels that had sailed twice around the world ‘the wrong way’ in the BT Global Challenge in the 2000’s.’ I was hooked! Challengers for me!! After a couple of voyages I was offered the position of Watch Leader. Over many voyages I gained more experience and confidence and I’ve now been a volunteer mate since 2019 – after a very eventful assessment voyage which I can tell you about if you sail with me. Oh, and I didn’t know it was to be an assessment voyage!
Please tell us a bit about your role at Tall Ships Youth Trust
As mate, my role is to keep everyone safe and happy, in that order. Working with the skipper – trying to second guess their next requirement (a sail change or a cup of tea); the watch leaders (their workload and skills development for the less experienced) who work most closely with the young people on board and with the crew themselves whose safety on deck is one of my top priorities. A challenging but really rewarding role and I can get involved in everything!
What has been your most memorable moment at Tall Ships youth Trust?
So many, but a recent one was coming back from the Channel Islands at night in August when we encountered a Force 8 gale which promptly shredded a foresail and wrapped it around the rigging giving us a spontaneous problem-solving exercise. In the skipper’s words, “everyone just got on and did what was needed”
What is the one thing you think people should know about Tall Ships Youth Trust?
Such a powerful development tool – which can be so much fun and you’ll have happy memories of for life
Please describe your job in three words
Rewarding, Enriching, Awesome
If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
My morning wake up song but you’ll have to sail with me to hear it…